Vous êtes vignerons dans l'un de nos nombreux terroirs Français et la diffusion de vos vins à l'international vous intéresse?
Découvrez les différents services proposés par Little Cork
You're a winemaker in one of the numerous French areas and you wish to sell your wines worldwide?
Let's see how Little Cork can help you
Little Cork can select wines from France for you, finding the best quality and value
By our knowledges and experience in the wine export sector, we can provide the bottles you need, at the right prices, dealing with all the selction process.
With a permanent representation in France, Little Cork can make tastings at the wineries in every Protected Areas of France (AOP), even the smallest and short supplies ones
Give us your enquiries, we'll offer you the best of France,
Wine is an ancestral custom in the same way as tea for the English or Beer for the Germans.
Years after years, quality never stop improving :
from new vineyard management technics which more respectful of our environment and biodiversity through the cellar with better fermentation follow-up down to an improving of the packaging with lighter glass bottle to safeguard our resources as well as more comprehensive labels for the consumer.
Wine is also fully part of a cultural heritage which is the first component of the French way of life.
The last recognition from UNESCO for the Climats of Burgundy as “cultural landscape” for its World Heritage list embodies this way of life.
Couic, couic, couic … PLOP !
Universal noise that immediately makes your mouth watering thinking of the glass you are going to sip !
The natural cork remains the main
and prefered closing solution for the Old world consumers - French being on the
first rows - as screw caps are associated to entry-level wines. You need to
know that cork has a micro porosity allowing a tiny volume of air to pass
through, thus allowing the aging of the wine in the bottle. And yes, it is
oxygen that makes wine age !
The wine needs this light contact with the air to refine, gain in suppleness and complexity.
The screw cap does have this
required micro porosity ! The small membrane inside the capsule is not
completely sealed, so the wine will be able to age! However, this micro porosity
is tighter than one of cork, the wine will thus preserve its primary aromas of
fruits longer.
Let's say it right away, the noise is much less attractive using a screw cap but so much practical to open !
Strong association of both Indian and French culture, our team will provide you the best skills for the success of your export!
CEO France
M. FONTAINE is the head of LITTLE CORK in France and Co-funder. Wine lover for many years, he worked for french and Australian wineries in his 20’s. Aware of the untapped potential of small french winemakers on foreign markets, he created Little Cork with Preet SHARMA to share the french know-how to India
If you want former informations, let us a message!
You can also call us:
in France: +33 (6) 99 78 12 73
in India: +91 ....